Hi everyone! I'm Carlos Polo and I'm a Game Producer from Puerto Rico.
I've always been passionate about learning, programming, helping people, games and their development. Leading me to the path of servant leadership.
For the past 10 years I've been managing projects in different fields and made the jump to the Games Industry in 2022. Combining my passions has been a blast and I'm looking forward to what comes next!
Grover Gaming - Titles
As the sole Producer at Grover Gaming I have the pleasure of producing over 20 titles simultaneously. Leading to over 70 completed titles.
They range from remake conversions into different markets, to brand new IPs & titles. I ensure the success of the titles from initiation, all the way to release.
Grover Gaming - Teams
Each team is composed of over 12 members, ranging from Artist, Programmers, QA, Sound Designers & Game Designers.
I facilitate conversations, setting deadlines and key deliverables and tracking progression, removing barriers before they become blockers.
Utilizing Scrum & other agile methodologies I ensure the team has everything they need to succeed.
Game Jam - Grave Robert
As part of the Boss Rush Jam 2023 I was able to practice different aspects of Game Design and Flex my Producer chops in my off-time by having even shorter sprints and tighter deadlines.
A team of 7 members, the process required close and constant communication to ensure no time was wasted. As this was an after hours activity. I provided many of the mechanics in the game and managed the project.
Flexibility is at the heart of my ethos - I am a facilitator who adapts my role constantly to keep the production moving at an efficient clip.
I'm a firm believer of servant leadership and supporting teams, helping them grow as individuals and professionals.
Caring & Supporting
I pride myself in caring for my team, it leads me to go above & beyond in everything I do, whether that's helping remove barriers, having difficult conversations for conflict resolution & crisis management or learning a new skill that will help the team.
Degree in Design
Possessing a Design Bachelors in Graphic Design from the University of Turabo, my thesis combined Game Design, Graphic Design & Education to create learning tools that would spark critical thinking and fun in group settings.
Production & Project Management Skills
Agile Methodologies
Software & Addition al Skills
Adobe Products
Microsoft Office Suite
Microsoft Teams
Azure DevOps